Create an environment where your dreams can thrive.
Let me help you imagine and nurture a family culture that supports your vision for your relationships now and in the future.
Together, we'll explore:
What makes a joyful household?
With an eye on the experiences that shaped your vision of childhood and family, we'll define the type of family you want to live in: how it feels, how it operates, and how its members go about with one another.
What's my part in establishing family culture?
We'll get real about the role of parents in setting the tone in their family, and the limits of their influence. You can't manufacture any particular outcome in your kids, but you can create space for them to be their full selves.
How do I hold myself accountable?
For goals to be useful, they have to be trackable. We'll define some metrics and habits that will help you keep sight of whether you're doing the work, day in and day out, to model and nurture the environment you imagined.
Define your values and be intentional about nurturing your family culture.
Kristen Fegan, founder, Human at Birth
Are you struggling to meet your own standards when it comes to the daily grind of parenting? Life with young kids is hard work, and it can feel impossible to raise your eyes from the endless tasks of the day long enough to take a shower, let alone think about the future.
I can help you ask the right questions to identify the type of family culture you'd like to create in your household, and identify the steps you'll need to take to get there. I want to help you be purposeful and intentional in leading your family.
In small groups of no more than twelve, we'll work together over the course of two live web seminars, we will:
- Develop and describe your vision for your family culture
- Identify actions for you and any co-parents who are part of your children's lives
- Sketch out a plan to help you stay accountable to your long-term vision for the future
My objective isn't to help you raise a "certain type" of kid. In fact, my goal isn't about changing your kids at all! My promise is to encourage and support you as you thoughtfully create an environment where your family can flourish, and equip you to nourish relationships that your kids will be happy to come back home to.
I hope you'll join me and take a step towards creating the type of joyful, connected family life that you always imagined. It's within your reach!