Get the support you need in overhauling and simplifying your family’s approach to planning, shopping for, serving, and enjoying meals. Read one of the introductory books on your own (Child of Mine or Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family), and then turn to the group for troubleshooting, encouragement, and idea swapping. Topics include:
- Why your family might benefit from adopting sDOR
- How my clients have prepared themselves and their families for the change
- How to implement and talk about new habits and boundaries around eating
- How to troubleshoot common practical problems
- How to engage with questions and pushback within your own family and from extended family members
- What to expect as your family adjusts to a new way of eating and handling food and meals
The scheduling for this cohort is a little different! To ensure the most possible people can attend, I’ll be holding the introductory meeting twice. This meeting will be like a class: I’ll present prepared information on everything you need to get started, and everyone gets a chance to ask questions. You can pick the date that works best for your family, or you can watch the recording. The live date options are:
- Thursday, June 13 from 21:00 – 22:30 EST
- Saturday, June 15 from 11:00 – 12:30 PM EST
After the initial meeting, I will hold 6 follow-up support meetings. During these meetings, we’ll discuss how it’s going in each family, troubleshoot difficulties, share ideas, and encourage one another. When making a big change like this, it’s helpful to know that you’re not alone and have a group to lean on for support! You’re welcome to attend as many or as few of these meetings as you like. Note that the meetings are close together in the beginning, and then spread out a bit as people become more comfortable. Each meeting will be recorded and sent out to all registrants. The support meeting dates are:
- Thursday, June 20 from 21:00 – 22:30 EST
- Saturday, June 22 from 11:00 – 12:30 EST
- Thursday, June 27 from 21:00 – 22:30 EST
- Saturday, July 6 from 11:00 – 12:30 EST
- Thursday, July 11 from 21:00 – 22:30 EST
- Saturday, July 20 from 11:00 to 12:30 EST
DISCLAIMER: Please note that I am not a registered dietician, and I am not affiliated with Ellyn Satter or ESI, and that they have not endorsed these courses. It’s not my intent, nor am I qualified, to offer medical advice. I recommend that you read either Secrets to Feeding a Healthy Family or Child of Mine prior to joining this support group. ESI also periodically offers classes that go into MUCH greater depth to help families implement sDOR. This is not an instructional cohort: it’s a group about overcoming relational and practical difficulties many families encounter when changing something as fundamental as meal routines. If you have specific medical concerns about your child’s eating habits, their weight, or their health, please consult with your family doctor, a dietician, or the Ellyn Satter Institute.
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